Thursday, April 9, 2009

David and Ben surprised their dad with a new guitar....The Holy V!!! They were so excited and now Mike has an electric guitar to jam with his boys!
Adam was in awe with the color of his Easter egg!!
Ben loved decorating his Easter eggs!
Lily requested an Easter egg cake for her birthday.....hard to believe my baby is now 5! Where has the time gone???
David is growing up...he had to be convinced to join us with our decorating!
Ben was impressed to be outside in the snow and no jacket.
The princess!
One of Ben's favorite hobbies is carving...the project this week is a duck and it is amazing!
Lily wanted a woodworking project, too. Daddy made her a ladybug to decorate.
Tommy still thinks he is a lap dog.......a pretty big lap dog but a gentle one!
Adam and Lily keep Mike busy playing games. Adam would play them for hours at a time if someone would play with him.

Guess who loves to cook? I got tired of playing kitchen so Lily made her own breakfast instead.
Our little jumper!
Lily decided she wanted to learn to ride a two training wheels for my girl. She is so determined that it took only minutes and she had it down. Pretty scary....I wish she had just a little fear!!!
Adam turned 7 and had a fun party!!!
Ben doing a science project!
David playing his guitar!
Adam and his castle cake~
Dad's birthday~