Thursday, February 26, 2009


Both David and Ben have enjoyed the robotics club at school. David's team placed second in the district competition this year. They won $200 for the club, a backpack and a giftcard for Boston Pizza. David was very excited!!! His team worked hard and it showed. It is truly amazing what theses kids learn in this program. I think we may have a future engineer or two on our hands!!!!

Ben was dubbed the "mastermind" in his group! He did most of the programming on his group"s mindstorm. He was very proud of the finished piece ,although, a bit dissappointed to not have it quite finished. His group chose to help another group finish building theirs so they could at least have a robot to show their families which meant Ben's group didn't have enough time left to complete the programming. It was still very impressive!!!


For Christmas, David got an electric guitar and amp. Mike has been teaching him a few songs and he practises everyday. David and his friend Mike get together to "jam" and get more pointers from Mike....I think David may be following Mike's footsteps and be addicted to guitars!!! Sure doesn't add to the quietness in our house but it does mask some of the other noise!!!!


Ben LOVES playing outside in the snow. He will build and shovel for hours all by himself if no one else is interested. His big thing right now is building igloos......not so safe when you're out there by yourself so I watch from the window!!!! Last week even Tommy, our dog, enjoyed Ben's master piece!!! Getting him out was a chore and a half but he just wants to be with the kids....inside an igloo or not!